Introduction of Wood Pellets

Why Biomass Pelleting??
(1) Dust Free
- Reducing dust explosion potential minimizing particle emission

(2) Uniform
- More efficient control of combustion

(3) Free Flowing
- Facilitating material handling and rate of flow control

(4) Increased Bulk Density
- More British Thermal Unit (BTU) per volume unit economies storage and transportation

(5)  Fuel for Burning
- Dia 6 / 8mm: Household stoves
- Dia 8 / 18mm: Industrial
- Energy Level: 5 kWh / kg
- Compared Biomass Pelleting to Oil: 1 ltr oil = 2 kg Wood Pellets

Biomass Application
- Wood -
- Sewage Sludge -
- Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) -
- Coal - 
- Sunflower Hulls -
- Bagasse -
- Peat -
- Meat and Bone Meal -
- Others -